Thursday 11 September 2014

First Class Research

Dr. Ruth Beer's Project Website:

Key Terms:

We have to find a way to connect all the key terms in order to make the complete animation.

Ooligan fish is an important trade goods with the Indigenous people.
Grease trail location.

Pros and Cons of Pipeline:

Northern Gateway Pipeline (Enbridge) and Kinder Morgan Pipeline, both are expected to begin in 2015/16. They both transport oil sand from inland B.C. to the shore.

Response and Future Outlook:
Opposers are mainly Aboriginal people.

Pipeline will most likely happen in the future due to production growth. Pipeline will help boost nation's economy.

Possible contents:
Trespassing and harming environment illegally.

A slow poison for nearby residents. Especially Indigenous people.
A recovery from the oil spill can be a very long time.

Film reference:

  • 2013's Grad Film: Silent Voices by David O'Brien

  • Man - Evolution and Pollution by

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